MCQ 1 on Basic Accounting for Beginner or Students

Check your knowledge on basic accounting concepts. Best for Beginners or students

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MCQ 1 on Accounting for Beginners or Students
Level – Beginner



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Let’s check and correct answers and explanation.

#1. Interest earned is what type of account?

Real account

Assets, Liabilities and Shareholder’s equity account are Real Account as their account balances in one period gets carried forward to the next accounting period.

#2. Which of the following defines outstanding salary account?

Representative Personal Account

Outstanding expense represents an amount which is due to a person against the services that were already provided. Such expenses when clubbed together and shown under single account, that is considered as representative personal account.

#3. Trading account is what type of account?

Nominal account

With the help of Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet is prepared.

#4. According to which accounting concept, the business owners are considered to be different from the business?

Basic Entity Concept

Promoters, Partners, Owners or shareholders are separate under Basic Entity Concept. Hence, in case business is doing any transaction with any of these, it must be recorded in the books of accounts

#5. Which of the following is related to scientific system of maintaining accounts?

Double entry

Double Entry system ensures balanced journal entry creation i.e. every financial transaction has equal and opposite effects (Debit and Credit) in at least two different accounts.

#6. What is the main objective of financial accounting?

Both P & L account and Balance Sheet

Financial Accounting summarizes the transactions  and present a complete view of business at the end of accounting period through Balance Sheet.

#7. Debit the receiver, credit the giver is rule for?

Personal account

Golden Rule for accounting  of Personal Accounts. Real Person who takes goods delivery on credit is debited and the person who is giving goods on credit is credited.

#8. Investment account is what type of account?

Real account

Investments represents assets and hence it is considered as Real Account.

#9. All revenue income are credited to which accounting summary account?

Profit and loss account

Revenue Receipts increases the owner’s equity.

Assets = Liabilities Owner’s Equity

#10. Profit and loss account starts with ?

Gross Profit

Gross Profit is a figure that remains from Income revenue after subtracting Cost of goods sold (excl. indirect costs or overheads).

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