What is BPR – Business Process Re-Engineering
In the field of Finance & Accounting, for sure, Accountants do one work every day – and that is “Process Re-engineering”.
Business Process Re-engineering is also known as BPR. In large multi-national companies or big corporate houses, a separate team named BPM (Business Process Management) organizes the required activities or steps for Business Process Re-engineering.
Objective of Business Process Reengineering :
- Creativity to improve
- Removal of non-value added activities and focus on business value creation in optimum cost and time.
- Efficient and optimum use of technology or Information Systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Intelligence (BI), Power BI Tools, Robotics Process Automation (RPA).
- Ideology behind BPR is to implement Continuous learning and Change Management in every inter-dependent business activity of the Organization.
As a good finance and accounting professional, creativity should be his/her ambition and this one word gets him/her satisfaction of doing any work efficiently at the end of the day.
Latest trend in BPR:
In today’s world, just like Scientists keep doing re-engineering for further betterment, Space Agencies are in look-out for finding ‘earth like living-place’ on other planets, same way, a good Finance Professional – does Re-engineering in the daily work and also keep finding opportunities for re-engineering in the “Business Processes’ to ensure “More and better Output in Less Time”.

Process Engineers, Process Owners and Delivery Leaders are some key positions emerging out these days in the “Finance and Accounts Industry” where more and more experienced Accountants are proving themselves to be the top-most candidate.
Watch out our next blog on BPR for:
- Steps in Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
- Business Process Reengineering examples
- Business Process Reengineering Case Study.
- Business Process Reengineering Advantages or Benefits of BPR.
- Business Process Reengineering in ERP Systems